Flow pack paper packaging for portioning pastry: easy opening and closing paper packaging

No more headaches while cutting out a slice!
Opt for a smart paper packaging with an opening and closing system in the size of a piece of cake.
Discover our opening closing triangular solution which can be customized according to the size of your packaging!

Functional packaging: a triangular opening and closing paper label to suit to a round cake package

Very present while snacking or in dessert, the round cake has always seduced a large public!
From whom is the biggest share?
Cutting a round cake is, for many people, a real headache: How to make regular shares?
Based on this observation, Etik Ouest has developed an easy opening and closing triangle system for round cakes: king’s cakes, brioches with pastry cream, tarts, chocolate cakes, cottage cheese cakes…

opening and closing paper packaging, industrial pastries, brioche packaging, king's cake packaging, etik ouest packaging

Opening and closing triangular system for packaging: operation and assets of this solution

With our easy opening and closing triangular paper solution, no more cake dividers or complicated calculations to cut out your pastry! Our paper package opening is triangular. With your knife, just follow the opening of the bag, to cut h cake easily.
No jealousy, every guest get an equal share compared to his neighbour!

This opening and closing solution is made-to-measure and can be adjustable to fit the cake packaging.

Another major asset, this clever opening and closing system allows the preservation of the cake in its original packaging and protects the freshness of your product until its full consumption! Open, taste, close as you like!

king's cake packaging, opening and closing labels, etik ouest packaging

You want to stand out from your competitors’ products and offer a real practicality to your packaging?
Etik Ouest accompanies you in this process.

Consult us!

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